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Pole figure of macrotexture:small angle, big impact



  1. X-ray Diffraction Phenomenon: When X-rays are directed onto a crystal, due to the periodic arrangement of atoms within the crystal, X-ray diffraction occurs. The diffraction pattern reflects the periodicity of atomic arrangements within the crystal.

  2. Bragg's Law: Bragg's law describes the relationship between the diffraction angle of crystals and the lattice constant. According to Bragg's law, the diffraction angle is related to the incident angle, lattice constant, and crystal orientation.

  3. Pole Figure: A pole figure refers to the distribution of X-ray diffraction intensity of crystals under different orientations. Macrotexture refers to the changes in macroscopic physical properties of crystals under different orientations. Pole figure/macrotexture testing enables the acquisition of physical properties and their variation under different crystal orientations.


  1. Material Structure Analysis: XRD is an important method for analyzing material crystal structures. Iformation such as crystal lattice constants, space groups, and grain sizes can be determined, providing fundamental data for material design and optimization.

  2. Phase Transition Research: XRD testing can be used to study the phase transition behavior of materials under different temperatures, pressures, etc. By analyzing the changes in diffraction patterns, information such as phase transition types and temperatures can be determined.

  3. Stress Analysis: XRD testing can be used to analyze the stress distribution on the surface of materials. By measuring the broadening of diffraction peaks, the magnitude and direction of surface stress can be obtained.

  4. Macrotexture Analysis: XRD testing can be used to analyze the macroscopic physical properties of crystals under different orientations. This is crucial for understanding the relationship between the macroscopic performance and microscopic structure of materials.

  5. Crystallinity Analysis: XRD testing can be used to analyze the crystallinity of materials. Crystallinity is an important indicator for evaluating material quality and provides guidance for optimizing material preparation processes.


  1. High Resolution: XRD testing has high resolution, enabling accurate determination of crystal structure details.

  2. Rapid Measurement: Modern XRD instruments have high measurement speeds, meeting the demands for high-throughput material screening.

  3. Applicable to Various Materials: XRD testing is suitable for various types of crystalline materials, including metals, ceramics, crystals, etc.

  4. Non-destructive: XRD testing is a non-destructive testing method that does not damage the sample.

  5. Easy to Operate: Modern XRD instruments are equipped with advanced automation control systems, facilitating operators in testing and data analysis.