Metal Sample Preparation:Differences between Hot and Cold Inlays
In this paper, different types of metal materials, especially high-purity tungsten, high nitrogen stainless steel, automotive steel, coated materials specimen cutting, setting, grinding, polishing and etching process of sample making skills and specific methods are summarised, in order to prepare a better metallographic specimen.
Learn more →Introduction to metallographic sectioning, ion milling, FIB cutting three kinds of sample making methods
This article introduces the advanced chip cross-section sampling methods, as well as the comparison of three different sampling methods, including metallographic sectioning, ion milling, and focused ion beam FIB cutting.
Learn more →Sampling procedures for inspection and sampling plans for Lot Inspection using ISO 2859
Acceptance sampling is an important method used in sampling procedures. It is also an important field of standard quality control where a random sample is taken from a lot, and upon the results of appraising the sample, the lot will be either rejected or accepted.
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