Important Knowledge for TEM Analysis
This article introduces the history of TEM, its equipment structure, and sample preparation methods.
Learn more →TEM Testing Principles and Common Sample Preparation Issues
This article covers the principles of TEM testing and common sample preparation challenges. It discusses electron beam interactions, imaging mechanisms, and issues like particle agglomeration, dispersion techniques, and cooling for electrolytic thinning. Special considerations for biological samples, including dehydration and staining, are also addressed, with practical solutions provided.
Learn more →How should the concepts of transverse modes, longitudinal modes, fundamental mode, TEM, TE, and TM in lasers be understood?
Electromagnetic waves in waveguides are classified into TE, TM, and TEM modes. TE modes have magnetic components, TM modes have electric components, and TEM modes have neither in the propagation direction. These modes determine the field distribution in transmission lines or cavities. Waveguides can support single-mode or multi-mode transmission depending on their dimensions and cutoff frequencies.
Learn more →The Principle of Calibration for Electron Diffraction Patterns in TEM Analysis:The Principle of Electron Diffraction
The principle of calibration for electron diffraction patterns in TEM involves adjusting diffraction patterns to known standards. This ensures accurate measurements of interplanar spacing, crystal orientation, and lattice constants, helping determine the material's atomic structure.
Learn more →How does the XRD graph look
This paper investigates the new Talos series transmission electron microscope and its energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) elemental color mapping analysis technology. It discusses the differences between this new detection technology and traditional detection methods, as well as the reasons why the new technology can obtain element color distribution images with both high spatial resolution and sensitivity. Furthermore, it demonstrates practical applications of this technology in failure analysis through several case studies.
Learn more →Lithium Ion Battery Material Testing Technology Summary
This article focuses on a brief summary of some common lithium ion battery material testing techniques.
Learn more →Research Nuggets - FAQs about TEM
The article summarizes some common questions about TEM and provides answers for everyone.
Learn more →FIB-TEM sample preparation technique
The high efficiency sputtering of FIB enables fine processing of samples, so FIB is often used to optimise the preparation of ultra-thin samples for TEM.
Learn more →Comprehensive Compilation and Comparison of TEM Sample Preparation Methods! (Part 1)
In this article, we will introduce and compare various commonly used sample preparation methods in transmission electron microscopy.
Learn more →Comprehensive Compilation and Comparison of TEM Sample Preparation Methods! (Part 2)
In this article, we will introduce and compare various commonly used sample preparation methods in transmission electron microscopy.
Learn more →Exploring In Situ Liquid Ambient Transmission Electron Microscopy Techniques for the First Time
In situ electron microscopy research is in full swing and has yielded many impressive results.
Learn more →Advanced operations of Digital Micrograph, the TEM photo processing software
Digital Micrograph is a professional software for processing images taken by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It helps researchers to measure and analyse the microstructure of materials, such as measuring the distance between atoms and analysing the crystal structure of materials.
Learn more →Analysis of common application scenarios for FIB focused ion beams
Focused Ion Beam (FIB) technology is similar to a miniature, high-precision "sculpting tool" for materials, and is widely used in areas such as the fabrication of microscopic electronic devices.
Learn more →The use of situ TEM in the lithium battery industry
In situ TEM is crucial for understanding complex battery reactions in energy storage, overcoming traditional method limitations with high-resolution and dynamic observation.
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