Instrument Type:
Hitachi Regulus8100; Hitachi S4800; Sigma 300; JSM-7800F;
Zeiss Gemini 300; Zeiss Merlin Compact; Zeiss Supra 55
Analytical Program:
Normal material -- 80 CHF/sample
Magnetic sample -- 100 CHF/sample
A Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is a type of microscope that uses a focused beam of electrons to image the surface of a sample with extremely high resolution.
SEM can provide valuable information on the morphology, topography, and composition of a sample at a scale that is not achievable with other types of microscopes.
SEM can characterize nano, metallic, thin-film, semiconductive, ceramic, polymer, bio and magnetic materials.
Samples for Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) imaging must meet certain requirements in order to obtain high-quality images. Here are some general requirements for preparing samples for SEM imaging:
Samples should be small enough to fit in the SEM chamber, which typically has a maximum size limit of a few centimeters in diameter and a few centimeters in height. For ultra big sample, please consult with us.
SEM requires that the sample is electrically conductive, or has been made conductive through coating or other techniques, so that it can be grounded and imaged without charging. Materials that are not inherently conductive, such as polymers or ceramics, may require a conductive coatingg, such as gold or carbon.
Samples should be free of debris and contaminants that could interfere with the imaging process or damage the SEM equipment. Cleaning the sample with solvents or by other methods is usually recommended.
Samples should be stable under the vacuum conditions inside the SEM chamber, which can cause some materials to outgas or degrade.
Samples should be prepared for SEM imaging according to the specific requirements of the instrument and the application. This may involve coating the sample, cutting it to the appropriate size, or applying a conductive paste to the edges to ensure good electrical contact.
Proper preparation of SEM samples is crucial for obtaining high-quality images and accurate results. It is important to consult with the SEM manufacturer or an experienced SEM user for guidance on sample preparation techniques for your specific application.