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Ultraviolet / Visible / Near Infrared Spectroscopy (UV/VIS/NIR)

Instrument Type:

UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer

Analytical Program:

Liquid sample absorbance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Liquid sample transmittance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Powder sample absorbance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Powder sample reflection measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Bulk sample absorbance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Bulk sample reflection measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Thin film sample absorbance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Thin film sample reflection measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

Thin film sample transmittance measurement -- 50 CHF/sample

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Ultraviolet-visible near-infrared absorption spectrophotometry is a method for analysis and determination by the absorption of ultraviolet visible or near-infrared radiation by molecules of some substances.

This kind of molecular absorption spectrum is produced by the transition between valence electrons and electrons on molecular orbitals in energy levels, which is widely used for qualitative and quantitative determination of organic and inorganic substances.

Representive Results

1. Diffuse reflectance measurements (Shown is the reflectance spectrum of a silicon wafer, in red, and the reflectance spectrum of a solar cell (silicon wafer + silicon nitride)).
2. The absorption edge and band gap energies of the novel nanocomposites and their precursors.
3. Low reflectance measurements when using the Cary 6000i and VW SRA.

Sample Requirement

1. Wavelength Range

175-3300 nm (175-2500 nm when using the integrating sphere).

2. Beam Size

Between 2 mm diameter and 12*8 mm.

3. Sample Size

Between 0.5*0.5 cm and 10*10 cm for solid samples.

4. Sample Volume

>0.2 mL for liquid samples.

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