Instrument Type:
Intelligent X-ray diffractometer
Analytical Program:
XRD data analysis Reitveld refinement -- Cutomerized quotation
Rietveld refinement is a method that utilizes full-spectrum information from polycrystalline diffraction data. It involves calculating the diffraction pattern of a polycrystalline sample based on a hypothesized crystal structure model and structural parameters, combined with peak shape functions. The calculated diffraction pattern is then adjusted using the least-squares method to achieve a good fit with the experimental data, allowing for refinement of both the structural and peak shape parameters. This approach gradually converges the initial crystal structure towards the true crystal structure, ultimately providing information on the crystal structure of the sample.
The main purpose of Rietveld refinement is to obtain quantitative phase results, crystallinity information and precise crystallographic parameters such as lattice parameters, crystallite size, microstrain, atomic coordinates, occupancy, and temperature factors from high-quality powder diffraction data. This allows for determination of expansion coefficients, doping concentrations, bond lengths, bond angles, and other information.
NOTE:Before testing that you need to have some knowledge of the expectedbasic sample structure (e.g., the order of the layers present and their approximate composition) in order for us to provide accurate results.